Dropping of Convenient Labour Smears - 17 April 2020


Now that Jeremy Corbyn has been toppled as Labour leader, isn't it incredible how "Labour antisemitism" has almost completely disappeared as a mainstream media subject?

Even after the Labour Leak revealed that Labour right-wingers secretly plotted to delay action on antisemitism cases in order to embarrass Corbyn, the likes of Laura Kuenssberg, Robert Peston, and the faux outrage brigade at the Guardian have remained absolutely silent on this extraordinary scandal.

Imagine if Corbyn was still leading Labour and someone on the Labour left had been caught deliberately delaying antisemitism disciplinary cases as part of some factional internal conflict within the party ranks.

It would have dominated the news agenda for days. Obviously.

But because it's their chums on the right-wing neoliberal faction of the Labour Party who got caught deliberately weaponising antisemitism, these partisan hacks have said absolutely nothing (never mind their failure to condemn any of the anti-black racism, islamophobia, classism, and misogyny in these right-wing Labour chats either).

By instantly dropping the whole antisemitism outrage because their chums are implicated, these people have proven themselves grotesquely insincere.

They never actually gave a damn about the welfare of Jewish people, or confronting anti-Jewish bigotry, because if they did sincerely care, they'd now be vociferous in calling out their right-wing chums, and calling for immediate suspensions, and expulsions if they're proven guilty.

So to these people "Labour antisemitism" was clearly only ever about using the issue as a partisan attack point against Corbyn and the Labour left.

And if they're willing to piggyback their own hyper-partisan political agenda onto the suffering of Jewish people, then simply forget about the issue completely as soon as it's served its purpose, they're not just disgustingly insincere, the fear and anxiety they've deliberately whipped up amongst Jewish people for their own political purposes makes them as much as an antisemite as any vile Internet troll spewing Holocaust denial and anti-Jewish conspiracy theories doesn't it?

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