My current reading december 2022

charlie hebdo, Rainer Maria Rilke, Ryokan

A ) Charlie Hebdo

  1. A tool of french political social control on association

In France, somes associations, see some cut of funding association by government.

The public subsidies for these associations were deleted, because they had some sectarian religious approaches terrorist.

The Name of this protocol was named C.E.R Compte de l’Emploi des Ressources In French or in English : Resource Use Account.

For example maintained by the political men Laurent Wauquiez (Hard Right of LR (Les Republicains) ) in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes.

  1. Lubrizol, chimical factory at Rouen

Analysis comparative of Lubrizol the factory in fire, for critical damage on environment, the biology disaster, of Rockton, in Illinois U.S.A, at June 2021. A big fire in the american factory Chemtool was impressive. According to Charlie Hebdo, there is some terminal of Methane transit, are very dangerous for environment and the workers, like of the terminal of Havres exploited by Total Energies.

  1. Cancer for All

The europeans researchers against the cancer are in danger. Since the COVID-19 epidemy, the researchers thinked Europe gone to have an cancer epidemy, with rares traitments and pills for european people.

B ) Rainer Maria Rilke - throughout life - Am Leben Hin - Au fil de la vie - Folio bilingue

  1. It’s an short story novel collection writed in 1898, in Prague. Narred some mysterious, conspirations, and dark lover novel, this autor is also poet. There is 11 novels in this small book.

  1. Resume of “ trois vieux “ Greise - Three olds men.

M. Peter, men of 75 years old forget him memory. He is weak. Every sunset for him is beautiful. Often he is frozen, by the cold. When there is the sun, he goes to smoke outdoor in the garden. his mustache is yellow and dirty. He drinked a lot when he was young. Christophe was the sitting friend on a bench, but he is more strong and old, without damage to his body. The childrens are playing inside the herb. The clock of church rings and it’s the twelve strokes of noon, a girl was coming and said “ grandpa it’s noon“. There are some pensionnaries of hospice. A place where is dark, and the old men are waiting the flower to put in the glasses on the window.

C) Ryokan - Ô Pruniers en fleur.

  1. Ryokan was a zen monk buddhist and poet at 1758 to 1831. Popular Figure. In metric :  He like to use Le quintil (waka)  quintil 31 syllables five verse

sizain (Sedoka) 38 syllables 6 verse,

odes (Nagauta / Choka ) long poetry.

  1. In this writting, he narred about all seasons, except summer. The poetry movement are abstract. For him this is the real and the nature for have the last word. But not the mental and subjectivity.

  1. extract OT text

Il en est des multitudes

mais c’est en celui

qui vit naître le Bouddha

et dans les premiers

commencements de ce monde

que l’histoire eut lieu.

C’étaient un singe, un goupil, et même un lapin

Qui avaient lié commerce

courant au matin

There are multitudes of them, but it is in the one who saw the birth of the Buddha and in the first beginnings of this world that the story took place. They were a monkey, a pin, and even a rabbit Who had tied the current trade to the morning