DiscoveryThings to do

Originally posted to LiveJournal

I’ve discovered one thing today, without Direct Debits I’d probably never pay bills. Here is why:

  • I prepare letters, address them, place a stamp on them then leave them in various places never to be seen for months.

  • Most of my important documentation is dated DECEMBER 12, 2002, yet the postmark reads MAY 19, 2003.

  • Inland Revenue are still waiting for me to send them the “fix my fucking tax code” form, and it’s in my intrest to have done it back in October.

and on a somewhat related note:

  • I’ve submitted my overtime sheet for work I’ve done two months ago. Again, it’s in my interest to do it on time, yet like all paper-based forms it went into the same pile as “fix tax code”.

Now you can see I’m not very good with paper, but it gets better, unlike cheques which are subject to being cleared (which is five BUSINESS days) I can opt to have most of my direct debits loot my bank account at the beginning of the month when I still have a balance above £1.13, cheques on the other hand could take upto two weeks depending on bank holidays, the company processing it, etc etc and we all know by that time I’m probably skint.

Anyways, I didn’t orignally mean to post that, but it’s there for people to realise when I say “I’ll send your birthday card today” they probably shouldn’t be too supprised if it turns up 8 months later, speaking of such I still owe some form of card from August time.

Now ending my “paperwork is my enemy” post I’ll continue my orignal post which was interupted by my randomness.

Various things that I need to do… soon:

  • Ring Three and find out when they’ll be looting my funds from my account.
  • Start giving out my Three number, patiently wait until my O2 contract expires and port out the number to Three (probably will happen, but not too sure yet).
  • Become less fat, I need to start walking more or at least be dragged behind Harry on a daily basis.
  • Purchase roller blades and good medical insurance.
  • Do my theory driving test thingy.
  • Crash Sucessfully complete my practical driving test.
  • Book theory.
  • Pay for theory.
  • Start doing videos again.
  • Complete education.

I think thats my list, but I doubt it’s finished.

You all may return to your daily lives now.
