Tips against insomnia

With our tips, you tell insomnia good bye.

There are nights you just cannot fall asleep. One is awake, rolls from one side to the other and feels exhausted and without energy the next morning. For many people, however, such situations are not uncommon. They suffer from insomnia, which is referred to in the technical language as insomnia or insomnia. With our tips we want to help those affected so that they can fall asleep better

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Many people are affected by insomnia

Insomnia affects many people. They often go to bed tired, but after one or two hours they are awake again and can no longer sleep. Sometimes they lie awake for a very long time. Or they cannot fall asleep and roll around in bed. Some, on the other hand, sleep tightly, but are awake too early in the morning and can no longer find peace. Often, sufferers feel at the end of their powers, as they simply get too little sleep. There may be various causes for persistent insomnia. But, if you haven't chosen a good sheet on, then you've lost 80% of your good sleep.

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Causes of insomnia

Shortened and persistently interrupted night rest can be an expression for so-called secondary insomnia. It can be triggered, for example, by external disturbances or incorrect sleeping habits. Often, insomnia is also caused by mental, neurological or physical illness. Sleep disorders can be an important symptom of certain diseases.

However, lack of sleep can also promote diseases, such as depression or hypertension (high blood pressure).

Only in very rare cases, there are no exact causes of insomnia, also called primary insomnia. However, those affected are usually heavily burdened with everyday problems or worries related to sleep and are therefore often sleepless.

Possible causes of insomnia:

  • High consumption of nicotine, coffee or alcohol
  • Wrong sleeping environment
  • Shift
  • Worry
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Sleep aids and other medicines
  • Thyroid diseases
  • Chronic fatigue syndrome
  • Parkinson's disease
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Menopause
  • Tinnitus
  • Fibromyalgia syndrome
  • Gastrointestinal diseases
  • Chronic pain
  • Burn-out syndrome
  • Restless Legs Syndrome (restless legs)
  • Anxiety

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