Travaux en cours - updates from the depths of the system

From the desk of the SysOp

Hello Internautes,

I’m starting to get better at this whole regular news and such now so hopefully you’re loving the new vibe.

I’m still doing a whole lot of really boring back end things on the system that you won’t notice as much, including pulling out my hair with this modem problem. The update as of today is the COM port is locked open by something and the last thing to fix this was turning off the modem for two months.

Not an ideal fix, especially since Wildcat! now won’t recognise the port itself and since removing it from Windows even Windows doesn’t recognise a modem exists anywhere. Hashtag bad times.

Another thing I’m organising is to create a mailing list specifically for these kind of updates you can subscribe to from outside the BBS. Currently this is sending a copy to the info-en list on but I want to change this behaviour and that is a more annoying technical thing.

In the interim I would encourage you to sign up to the newsletter at

The email integration seems to be working, thankfully, even though it is a real mess in the backgroud. I’m setting up an email to go out to old users at their last known email addresses to check if they’re still interested, if they want to migrate their account, and if they actually still want it since I should be deleting old accounts. This is one of those manual processes so more based on my motivation than a technical solution.

I also need a better method of organising account verifications, which I have historically been terrible at.

That’s all for now,
