FDB_hiroshima FDB_hiroshima@fediverse.blog

Open on fediverse.blog

One of the Plume developers.


Xantulon:calckey::pixelfed::peertube: @xantulon@calckey.social

Originally joined Oct 01, 2018 on mastodon.social. Security is locking your door, privacy is not leaving the key in the lock, anonymous is walking down the street and not being identified. I like to play with Blender, Python, Rust-lang, woodworking, learning to write (good stories), and things that interest me in the moment

Guillaume @guilg@mycrowd.ca

Tom Goldoin @tgoldoin@plume.deuxfleurs.fr

Aussi sur Twitter

acebes @acebes@fediverse.blog

l'empathie mécanique @dpwiz@mastodon.social

Ceci n'est pas un twitter.

l'empathie mécanique @dpwiz@qoto.org

Toots as he pleases.

Milan @Milan@write.tchncs.de

Hi there, i am a photographer and it-guy from germany, and you may know me from the several services i host at tchncs.de.

めゔぉ☁ @mevo@mstdn.vodka

・カッコいいPV👉 https://youtu.be/EFzec-BolWs
・堀裕子ちゃんの軌跡👉 https://cinderella-library.idolmaster-official.jp/history/?tag=%E5%A0%80%E8%A3%95%E5%AD%90
・デレマスライブ「LIKE4LIVE #cg_ootd」9月3日・4日に開催決定!公式サイト👉https://idolmaster-official.jp/live_event/cg_like4live_ootd/

Guillaume @guilg@mastodon.social

PhD in #neuroscience. Larval #zebrafish behaviour & calcium imaging.
Free, libre open source software and decentralization enthusiast.
French & english spoken

trinity-1686a @a000d4f7a91939d0e71df1646d7a48@anticapitalist.party

Hi, I'm a trans woman/enby

Have a strong love/hate relationship with computers
Wannabe cypherpunk

Cybre Rick @rick_777@cybre.space

Software dev by day, author by night.

#amwriting my first #scifi novel, donations welcome!

Plz msg b4 following.

Alt acct:
* @yuki